Virtual Teacher


Fall in love with Geology


Amazing Crystal Cave - Cave of Crystals | 100 Wonders | Atlas Obscura
The Real Superman Cave Fortress of Solitude Crystals - Gypsum Crystals.

Maybe this is the REAL SUPERMAN CAVE. What do you think of this?
Find out more about the caves at Naicia. These large columns of selenite crystals(gypsum) are spectacular.

Exploring the Earth Is an amazing site for geological sites through out the world. Here is the link for the Australian. The geological formations pictured here are amazing.

PBS learning has some great info on Plate tectonics
Interactive showing Plate Tectonics and their relationship to Volcanoes and
What did Earth look like?????? million years ago? Fabulous interactive showing Continental Drift and development of life on earth.
Continental Drift 101 | National Geographic


National Geographic Resources Fantastic
Volcanoes are awesome manifestations of the fiery power contained deep within the Earth. this site contains images, 10 most dangerous volcanoes, quizzes and videos.
How Volcanoes Work - Info from How Stuff Works
Volcano World
Current Eruption Reports, Virtual Field Trips, Facts, Games, Interviews with Vulcanologists, very comprehensive site.
Interactive Map of World's Volcanoes Interactive Map of Active Volcanoes and recent Earthquakes
world-wide, see volcanic an earthquake activity in the last 24hours.
Bill Nye the Science Guy Volcanoes and Tectonic Plates Great YouTube Video
How To Draw a Volcano

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Geology Kitchen: The 3 Types of Rocks

I love this Video - anyone who can add chocolate to ice cream and talk about Geology has got me. Geology is one of my favourites. And making S'moresite form chocolate, marshmallow and biscuits has certainly rekindled my interest. There are quite a number of Videos at the Geology Kitchen a great resource.


Great Link for Rock Collecting
Home Hobbies: Rock Collecting - If you find rocks interesting, you might like to try rock collecting to help you learn more about rocks and minerals. Lots of great resources.
Kidz Rocks Great site for info on minerals includes videos fabulous.
How to Draw Amethyst Crystals Simple follow along video.
How to Draw Rocks and Boulders Great video.
RockHounds Membership Card Download and printout
Virtual Rock Collection Pdf Download
Virtual Geology Museum Great images of Minerals


Is a comprehensive geology site with images of rocks and minerals for identification. Information on Volcanoes, Plate Tectonics, Fluorescent minerals and just about anything geology related.

Rock classification app $0.99
Quick reference guide for rock hounds to identify and learn about the rocks, gems, and minerals that they are looking to collect. Designed for easy use and fast response without information overload.


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The Moon is made of GREEN CHEESE.

1. NASA sent mice to the moon. Why would they do this except to test the theory that the moon is made of cheese where mice could survive.
Fe, Fi, Fo, Fum, and Phooey were five mice who traveled to the Moon and circled it 75 times on the 1972 Apollo 17 mission.
2. Lunar rock 10017 has a shock wave velocity of 1.84 kilometres per second. This velocity is an indirect measurement of the composition of rocks. A study of shock wave velocities of cheese shows that there are variations such as 1.75 km/sec (Emmental, Switzerland), 1.75 km/sec (Cheddar, UK)and 1.83 km/sec (Gjetost, Norway). The moon is therefore made of green cheese. What’s more, it’s made of Gjetost, a Norwegian green cheese!
Ian Plimer - A Short History of the Planet Earth pp41
3. Wallace and Gromit went there in "A Grand Day Out - Landing on the Moon” and ate cheese.
4. Because it is formed in the Milky Way.
5. If you zoom in really close to the lunar surface it reveals a cheese like surface proving the theory that the moon is made of cheese. Check out Google Moon.
6. You can buy Moon Cheese Snacks

What do you think? What is your evidence?
If the moon is indeed made of green cheese, then all other observations and measurements must be in agreement with the cheese composition. They are not and accordingly, the theory that the Moon is made of green cheese is rejected. This is the way science works.


weathering sun

We had such fun with this topic. Actually spent a whole day busily weathering, eroding and depositing. Check out the Video - click here.

1. Working in groups, model a tote tray of sand into a landscape of mountains, hills plains and volcanoes. Tapered them to a shoreline.

2. Draw a picture of the landscape, before weathering, erosion and deposition occur and label with all the splendid landscape words.

3. Pour water through a small hole in a cup over the landscape slowly. Observe what happens.

4. Draw a picture of your landscape after the weathering, erosion and deposition have occured.

5. Make a DUPLO mountain. Make a river path using masking tape.

6. We put on the weathering, erosion and deposition signs - you can download them here. Print them out on A4


The Clocks in the Rocks


Found by two teens on a fishing trip in south western Alberta, this Tyrannosaurus Rex is considered one of the most significant specimens of its kind. Preserved in very hard, light gray sandstone, the bones and teeth of this tremendous meat-eater are shining black – stained during fossilization by minerals.

Paleontologists dig for Jurassic dinosaur fossils



10 Terrific Facts About Trilobites

Great Fossil Images at the Plant Fossil Gallery, Choose an Invertebrate or Vertebrate

What is a Fossil?

Earth Facts - Fossils Enjoy these fun fossil facts for kids. Children will learn how fossils are formed, what the words paleontology and petrification mean, how we know so much about the dinosaurs and much more.

Trilobites means “three lobes”, and Trilobites are a well-known fossil group of extinct marine arthropods(like ants, spider, lobsters,prawns and most insects). Trilobites form one of the earliest known groups of arthropods. The first appearance of trilobites in the fossil record is in the Early Cambrian period (521 million years ago), and they flourished throughout the lower Paleozoic era. The trilobites were among the most successful of all early animals, roaming the oceans for over 270 million years.

Geological Time Scales

Clock with Trilobite Timeframe compared to other animals like humans and dinosaurs.


© Cathy Brown 1998 - 2025 © All images & Videos Cathy Brown Located in Sydney NSW Australia all rights reserved.
No unauthorised reproduction without written permission. Webmaster & Designer - Cathy L. Brown

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