Virtual Teacher


"You have to know the past to understand the future.” Carl Sagan

The British Museum is a great source of Information includes an excellent Egyptian section,( you will need to use the search tool) with 3D images(now at Google Arts and Culture as per the link). 

Ancient Greece

Get a crash course on the heavenly residents of Mount Olympus. This is a great short YouTube video, as it says a crash course, but a great summary.
Greek Gods - Make a list of all their attributes:
Name, What Hero or Villain controls, Symbols/Animals associated, Special Skills, Weapons/Clothing/Musical Instrument etc
Penn Museum Ancient Greece The Olympic Games

Ancient Greece Great Site includes pictures easy to navigate, lots of information.

The Caves of Lascaux

Virtual Tour of the Caves of Lascaux

Explore the Caves of Lascaux, a visual of moving through the caves.

Life at Lascaux Some fabulous images as well as the story of the discovery of Lascaux by 2 school boys in 1940


BBC Ancient Egyptians - Lots of info, Pyramids, Monuments, Gods and Beliefs, Dynasties etc.

360 Tour of the Tomb of Menna

Discovering Ancient Egypt Includes Language, Numbers, Pharaohs and Monuments

Online Hieroglyphics Translator I have always loved this site. Students can translate their names into hieroglyphics - great fun

The Pyramids were really built. Amazing!!!!
A realistic and breath-taking step by step recreation of the building of the pyramids in Ancient Egypt.


What Was Life Like? Meet A Medieval Noblewoman

Medievil Life
Information would suit middle Primary School

Life in a Medievil Castle

The Middle Ages for Kids

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