Virtual Teacher



Nearpod is an interactive presentation and assessment tool that can be used to amazing effect in the classroom. The app's concept is simple. A teacher can create presentations that can contain Quiz's, Polls, Videos, Images, Drawing-Boards, Web Content and so on.

Check out some Free NearPods here.(they take a few seconds to load -  a bit slow) I particularly like:
"The Life of a Frog” Stages 1 & 2
Empires of Ancient Egypt Stage 2 & 3
Formation of the Earth and Moon Stage 2 & 3

There are many Lessons available for a fee. Common Sense has Digital Citizenship Lessons vailable for NearPod with all the accompanying teacher resources which are well worth a look.


Sphero SPRK: The robot ball which teaches you how to code, check out the lessons here. Check out the Lesson Plan for Sphero Knievel and our SPHERO Knievel video on Youtube


The Sphero Edu platform uses app-enabled robots to foster creativity through discovery and play, all while laying the foundation for computer science. Our program goes beyond code with collaborative STEAM activities, nurturing students’ imaginations in ways no other education program can. Cross-platform apps are approachable for all skill levels of programming JavaScript, allowing us to reach as many minds as possible. Think outside the bot and inspire your future. This is Sphero Edu.
DO THE Sequenced lessons


CHECK OUT Teaching with the iPad by Peter Abt
Great site for SPHERO ideas and other APPS for iPad

TRY Story telling with sphero lights and sounds

Check out the Video WE have made on the Virtual Teacher YouTube Channel playlist for SPHERO including, “Robots Self Destruct” , "Teach Your Sphero to Draw” , "Sphero Crazy ZigZag” and Sphero Kindergarten Sight Words


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OCTOSTUDIO is a new an exciting app from the folks who developed Scratch and Scratch Jnr. FREE to download to a mobile device. No login or internet access required. You will love it as much as I do.

OCTOSTUDIO is block-based coding app enabling students to make simple animations and games using characters and sounds that they choose.

OctoStudio was developed by the Lifelong Kindergarten group at MIT Media Lab and is available for free on iPhones, iPads, and Android smartphones and tablets. Check it out here.


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I am a great believer in less is more when it comes to apps. Download a few great ones and use them for every thing. Chatterpix is one I use for everything and it’s FREE. With just one iPad I can rotate it through the class group by group, everyone can record a 10 - 30sec video and then I can easily turn them all into an iMovie.

ChatterPix is an all age App that is simple and easy to use, I have used it from kindergarten up. Students can add a picture or screenshot (Pixabay is great) overlay the mouth on their picture and record their voice to animate a story. They can add stamps to the object or background and text.

You can create informational movies, book reviews, jokes, demonstrate alliteration and other literary devices, animate a poem the list is endless, a maximum of 30sec sound bites. I like the students to write the script and do timings before they start to use the app.

Here's one I did on alliteration with a grade 4 - they loved. If you have any great videos send them along and I will upload them to THE VirtualTeacher YouTube Channel.

Start Here - How to use Chatterpix - WeGo Tech
Ideas for using Chatterpix in the Classroom and great video - Make Anything Talk. 
Once you have all the Chatterpix videos you can upload them into iMovie and make them into one movie for all to watch. Great for revision and showing off in assemblies.


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I love these types of FREE APPS. They give children the opportunity to REALLY explore a style of art or art movement, and develop ideas before they begin to use concrete materials. Here is a great one.
NGA Kids Art App - The NGA kids Art Zone app contains eight interactive activities inspired by works in the collection of the National Gallery of Art in Washington, plus a sketchbook for freehand drawing and a personal exhibition space where users can save and display art created with the program.

The child-friendly interface, easy-to-use tools, and the overarching emphasis on discovery, careful looking, and artistic self-expression


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Stop Motion app FREE for iPhone and iPad.
DOWNLOAD it now. I played with it for a whole weekend. No instructions needed
your students will be able to figure it out for themselves. A tripod of some sort is suitable. I rigged a simple one up for my iPhone using one of one of the car hands free devices and masking tape. It worked a treat.
So simple and easy.
CHECK OUT these samples:- Simple Outer Space stop frame animation using a white-board, SPIKE AND SAM'S ANIMATION - animation using Lego.

Also CHECK OUT the Virtual Teacher DB Stop Motion Film Festival on YouTube click here.


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Making a Robot using Explain Everything App for iPad
Explain Everything lesson 2 - set rotation and animations

The Explain Everything APP has been around for a while and it is still fabulous. Check out the Video from Paul Hamilton on making a robot - just show the kids and they will figure it out. Very Cool!!
APP is NOT FREE. Just for iPad there is ALSO a FREE version.


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Mathemateer App - students get to build their own rocket to shoot into space. Once they have built the initial rocket they can complete math missions to earn more money to allow them to customize their rocket even more. Students love to complete the math missions so they can make their rocket bigger, fancier & prettier.  APP is NOT FREE.
Watch the Video for a quick overview


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One of the Coolest APPS Solar Walk
Tour the solar system with this dazzling astronomy app, which lets you fly Google Earth-style from one planet to another, learning along the way.
Solar Walk lite - Free version
It has a beautiful pictures, the easy to understand interface and the abundance of information. There is a free version but it has a lot of limitations, the paid version Solar Walk: Space Simulator 3D offers much more and is way less frustrating at $8.00 - much better deal. (apps are also available for android)


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Here are some online educational games that can be played using the iPad.
NO APPS to download. No waiting for weeks for IT department permission to download. This is a great site for multiplication and the online iPad friendly games are great. Ask your students to try them out - describe them and rate them.
TOPMARKS are increasing there iPad friendly online options. These are listed by age and subject. I love these games and whiteboard interactives. HIT THE BUTTON is Fabulous.
Mr Naussbum Site has some great interactives and games K-6. Covering all KLAs. World Landmarks including videos.
Learn for Good Games There are some real mind benders here.


© Cathy Brown 1998 - 2025 © All images & Videos Cathy Brown Located in Sydney NSW Australia all rights reserved.
No unauthorised reproduction without written permission. Webmaster & Designer - Cathy L. Brown

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Virtual Teacher is committed to ensuring that our AI systems & assistants are used responsibly & ethically. Our AI is designed to support educators & students by providing personalized learning experiences, enhancing engagement & promoting understanding. We prioritize the safety, privacy, & security of our users, ensuring that our AI tools operate transparently & align with the best practices in the industry.
The NSW AI AssessmentFramework requires self assessment to deterimin Determine whether your system / project should use the AIAF. All AI projects used by Virtual TEacher are Low Risk or No Risk applications. Check out the Risk Evaluation page attached.

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